My name is Floriane.

But you can call me flori.

I am from Brussels, Belgium.

Known for the Chocolate & Beer !

After high-school, I left home and started my journey as a backpacker where I had the chance to travel during a period of 2 years. Well, it was time to study and I wasn't seeing my life in Belgium. Australia was the best place I could think of. So I came to study for two years in Early Childhood Education and started working in the industry. But something was missing .. And then I found Photography, my true passion ♥︎

True story : I owe my fiancé for becoming a professional photographer. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I was going through a mid-life crisis and felt lost about my direction in life. It was then that my partner suggested to BE a photographer since I had always enjoyed taking pictures with my camera to capture memories. At first, I was skeptical - a professional photographer, is that even a thing ? However, as I realized that photography was a true profession, and a whole new world opened up to me.

During the pandemic, I took advantage of my free time to improve my photography skills and experimented with different subjects, starting with my cat ! And my partner hiding from me all the time. And came the time to move on to real people. And here I am ♥︎

Now, a bit more about my Travelling Journey.

First, I came to Australia to learn English and work as a volunteer in a Wildlife Habitat in Port Douglas. Then traveled around to discover all the beauties of Australia for 10 months. I guess it wasn't enough as I kept traveling and never went back home. I traveled in Bali and lived for a while in Cambodia. I also did Japan, Singapore, Italy and the North of New Zealand while I was studying for Early Childhood Education in Australia.


My love for traveling is a deep passion for exploring new places and immersing myself in different cultures. It is an opportunity for me to step out of your comfort zone and experience the world in a new way. I find great joy in learning about new customs, trying new foods ! and meeting people from different backgrounds. I believe that traveling allows and allowed me to gain a new perspective on the world and to see things from a different point of view.

Photography is way to document my journey, to create a visual diary of my travels and to remember all the exciting and inspiring things I have seen and experienced.

I also love sharing my travel photographs with others, to inspire them and explore the world through my lens.

One day, my dream would be traveling the world and capturing the beauty of motherhood through my photography. Even if my first step is to do it nationally within Australia, I am eager to discover different cultures and landscapes and to use my creativity to capture them. My goal is to not just take photographs, but to also capture genuine connections and memories that families can cherish forever, just as I cherish my own memories.